Wednesday, March 28, 2012
So - remember Monday, when I told you I'd finalled in RWA's  Golden Heart®  Competition? Well, the judging was based on the first 50 pages of my manuscript, but I might have a chance to get my manuscript in front of some agents or editors, and they'll want to read the full novel.

Which means it needs to be polished...really polished.

And polishing takes a lot of time, so I'll be using my blogging time to focus on that for about a month, then I'll be back.

Perhaps I can convince Jason to post a few things, but until then, I'm offline. Of course, if you're an agent, please feel free to contact me. My contact details are located here. You can also visit my author page directly at

The Golden Heart emblem, found at
Romance Writers of America® national website


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